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 Good Habits Golfers Should Develop

Golfing is a fun sport to learn and master at any age. Whether you’re a beginner or have perfected your hand at the sport over the years, you can always learn something new about golf to improve your game. You can also benefit by adopting healthy habits to enhance your passion for the sport. 

Learning physical and mental improvements to add to your golf routine can change your outlook on the game. No matter your skill level, there are still ways to develop a positive mindset and a healthy swing when you step out onto the course. Follow the golf tips below to establish good habits for your new golf improvement plan. 

Have a Positive Mindset

Whether you play golf for competition, relaxation or as a new hobby, taking time out of your day for this sport should create endless happy experiences for you on the green. Maintaining a positive mindset as you play can make the sport more enjoyable and encourage you to get back on the course more often to practice your skills. 

You can create a positive mindset while playing by:

  • Getting a group of friends together to play regularly 
  • Playing your favorite music as you tally up the scores
  • Making a habit of relaxing or dining with your golfing buddies after you wrap up a game
  • Inviting your loved ones to play or watch a few rounds
  • Taking trips to the spa after long games

Establishing this positive mindset as you continue exploring your love for golf is essential for having fun and creating lasting memories. You may even begin noticing that you can focus better on improving your golf skills when you associate some positivity with the sport. 

Establish Friendly Competition

Although many use golf as a therapeutic method, you can also benefit from creating friendly rivalries with fellow golfers. At a country club, you can get to know other golfers at your skill level who can play a few rounds with you. You may be able to establish quick connections and future plans on the course with these individuals. 

Having others around to share your passion for golf helps keep you active and social with those in your community. You can also quickly increase your skills through a little friendly competition by trying to beat your previous score or your golfing buddies’ scores. Being able to joke around while improving your playing technique creates a fun atmosphere for all to enjoy. 

Competition has even been proven to help with memory to better coordinate skills that need improvement. Do not be afraid to make new friends on the green. You could significantly improve your game while creating lasting friendships. 

Always Seek Improvement

When you begin indulging in golf regularly, you can spend time playing relaxing games with close friends for hours. This carefree play can be enjoyable for a while. However, some golfers soon realize that playing without intent can become tiresome. It is essential to establish goals you can achieve over time through continuous play to see improvements and find even more reasons to keep playing the sport. 

Setting reasonable goals can include getting a hole-in-one, scoring in the single digits each round, breaking 90mph for your swing or even trying to find all the lost golf balls during a game. Allowing yourself to strive for something makes the sport much more enjoyable and encourages you to keep playing. 

Golf Tips for Beginners

For those who have never played golf, you can quickly find yourself adjusting your swing, handling a club and finding your swing speed when hitting the ball. Before you get to those steps, it is essential to warm up your body to avoid overexerting your joints and muscles. 

Playing golf engages several muscles in your forearms, biceps, abdomen and lower and upper back. To properly increase the flexibility of these muscles without straining them, keep the following stretches in mind as you create a warm-up routine before each game:

  • Stretching your back and hips: To begin this exercise, sit down on a chair with a stable back. While sitting upright, keep your right foot planted on the ground and cross your left leg over it. Take your right hand and place it on the outward-facing part of the left knee and twist your back to face the left side of your body. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and switch sides so your right leg can cross over your left. 
  • Stretching your shoulders: This exercise helps engage your shoulders while improving your swing. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and straighten your neck and back. Take your dominant hand and raise it into the position you would use to swing at a golf ball. Before swinging, take your non-dominant hand and cup the opposite elbow for support. Now, you can go through the motion of swinging your imaginary club to strengthen your shoulder muscles. 
  • Stretching your wrists and forearms: Start by stretching one arm straight in front of you with your palm facing the floor. Take your other hand and grab the fingers of the stretched-out hand. Pull those fingers upward until they reach a 90-degree angle with the floor or until you cannot stretch them any farther. Hold this stretch for about 30 seconds and switch to the other hand. 
  • Stretching your hips and abdomen: You have most likely used this exercise for other sports or in an exercise routine. Lunges are an excellent exercise for stretching your hips and engaging your abdomen muscles. Start in a kneeling position with your right knee on the ground and your left bent at a 90-degree angle in front of you. Keep your back straight in this position and hold your core muscles in place for 30 seconds. Switch legs and hold for another half minute. 

Golf Swing Tips

Adjusting your swing can improve your aim and prevent you from overexerting your energy. Add the following tips to your regular swing to see how your score can increase:

  • Become aware of your posture: Swinging without adjusting your posture can cause back pain after only a few games. As you get into the position to swing, start by placing both feet shoulder-width apart. Point your toes slightly outward from your body to gain some balance as you go through the motion of hitting the ball. Keep your neck and back straight at all times. Finally, focus most of the movement on your hips and shoulders instead of your back and wrists. 
  • Create a consistent flow of movement: Swinging your golf club uses a significant amount of muscle in your body. Rather than only exerting energy from your legs or wrists, focus on picturing your swing as a continuous flow of movement through your body. This visualization helps protect your joints from becoming strained and improves your aim.
  • Practice a strong swing, not a fast one: The most powerful hits come from engaging your core and using your muscles in a consistent flow. You do not need to swing fast to increase your distance. Instead, focus on the constant flow of movement from the previous step to create a stronger swing. You will notice over time that this change in golf habits helps avoid straining your joints and makes your aims more accurate. 

Practice Good Golfing Habits at Colonial Golf and Tennis Club

Are you interested in improving your golf routine with fellow golfers? Colonial Golf and Tennis Club has opportunities to explore your passion for the sport while having fun with the entire family. 

With golf lessons and outings, there are numerous ways to improve your game while getting to know the members of your community. We also provide junior programs for your kids to make new friends and begin learning the basics of golf. 

At Colonial Golf and Tennis Club, we prioritize convenience so your family can enjoy golfing, fine dining and making lasting friendships. On our courses, you can play nine or 18 holes while your kids take a dip in our swimming pool and your loved one dines at our indoor and outdoor dining venue before playing a few rounds of tennis. 

Become a member today or contact us with any questions. 

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